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Why are digital and communication technologies important to me?

For me digital and communication technology is extremely important to the world because it has already been a huge part of it for a while now. Digital and communication technologies not only is a huge part of my life but a hugely important part of the way the world works.

The way in which digital and communication technologies have shaped the world has brought the world closer to each other and rapidly expanded the globalisation and connectedness that the 21st century is now known for.

As a result, digital and communication technologies are important to my future and the future of all future generations as its very nature seems to promote unity, connectivity and to some extension, peace. As a student currently studying to become a teacher this connectivity and technology promises to change the way in which children learn and develop skills. In my own personal opinion the language of technology needs to be taught in schools so that future generations are equips with the relevant skills to succeed and understand the digitally connected world they are a part of.

Due to the fact that digital and communication technologies have connected the world I found that on my recent trip overseas that the social networking and communications side to these technologies made life easier as i didn't feel disconnected or away from friends and family which did not accompany us on the trip.

The use of whatsapp made international communications with them free, and the use of Facebook and Instagram allowed me to share memories and moments with them online. The up side to this technology is that fact that my memories are now stored non physically on the internet and my memories and special shared moments are saved forever without the worry of deteriorating.

Another reason that digital and communication technologies are important to me is the fact that it has become so ingrained in our societies and way of living, future generations need to understand how such technologies work and operate in order to innovate and perhaps hopefully change the world in the process.

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