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Feedback From Peers

What are Digital and Communication Technologies?

Digital and Communication Technologies

Dear Clare, 

Thank you for your feedback it was very informative and certainly challenging in terms of a contrasting view. 

While I certainly think that there are many positive impacts that digital and communication technologies pose on society, it is no secret that there are in contrast many negative impacts also. 


Digital and communication technology have changed the dynamic in which personal relationships operate in today's society. It has hindered significantly the face to face communication and ability to express meaningful feelings. As many move into a busier life with individuals working harder and longer hours it continues to strain relationships and people become dependent solely on communicating through social media - i.e. Facebook, twitter, email and iPhones. This stifles human contact and enables merely toneless and effortless communication at the tap of a button. Where did the fun, passion and genuineness of relationships go? Either personal or business related. It currently sits in a state of despair for many on a personal and professional level. In the years to come I only envision it becoming worse, continuing to remove the human element from communication and the enjoyable personal interaction withering further and further out of reach. 


It is also impacting as things become "too easy", buying, selling, spending, shopping, etx all online yet again no human interaction?! If there is little to no need in so many circumstances for human interaction where will we be in the years to come? An intriguing and challenging question. Will future generations uphold qualities of genuineness, respect and appreciate face to face communication or will it merely be a new world. 

.. A thought to ponder and certainly worth ensuring a healthy balance for now and into the future. By doing this we will to continue to highlight the importance of leveraging the benefits of digital and communication technology while still maintaining the importance of face to face communication - a balance vital to the success of both factors.

Peer Feedback Given By Me

"How is communication impacted through the changes of technology?"
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